Patient and Family Advisory Committee

At HGMH, we support a patient and family-centered approach to health care. We know that patients and their families have a key role in improving the patient experience at our hospital. The Patient and Family Advisory Committee provides a way for our staff and leadership to connect with patients and family members to get their advice on how we deliver care. The committee serves in an advisory capacity, making recommendations on matters that impact the experience of patients and their families at HGMH.
The Patient and Family Advisory Committee (PFAC) helps the hospital:
- Learn from patients' experiences (both positive and negative) at the hospital to enhance our delivery of care and programs;
- Improve quality and safety;
- Inform our patient relations process;
- Ensure our projects meet the needs of our community;
- Celebrate and share milestones and successes
In addition to the PFAC, patients and families sit on various hospital committees and provide ad-hoc support to various projects such as reviewing patient materials.
What do patient and family advisors do?
Our patient and family advisors:
- Tell their story
- Participate in committee work
- Review and help create education and information materials
- Give their input on special projects
What qualifications are required?
No special qualifications are necessary. You are eligible if you are at least 18 years old, have had a recent experience at HGMH (within two years) either as a patient or a family member of a patient, and have an interest in helping us to improve the patient experience at our hospital.
How do I apply to volunteer on PFAC?
If you are interested in volunteering as a PFAC member, complete an application form and return to or call 613.525.2222 X4104.