Spiritual and Religious Care

Hôpital Glengarry Memorial Hospital recognizes the need for pastoral services to:
- meet the patient's requirements for the familiar experiences of his/her religious tradition in worship, ritual observances and personal visitation for prayer, shared devotions and sacraments;
- provide reassurance and support in time of uncertainty and crisis; to maintain a tie to a meaningful community when the patient is separated from his normal life setting by illness or infirmity; and
- assist the patient in the face of inevitable decline and death to assume realistic attitudes with a positive self-regard.
All patients have the opportunity to receive visits from pastoral care volunteer services. Specially trained members of the Auxiliary attend to the emotional and spiritual needs of the patients and their families. They visit twice weekly. Alternatively, should you wish to receive visits from your priest or other denominational clergy, please contact your nurse so arrangements can be made.
A quiet room is available in the outpatient department to patients and families for visits with the clergy and pastoral care volunteers on a private basis.
Eucharistic Celebrations are arranged by the Auxiliary in conjunction with the nursing staff four or five times a year according to the liturgical season (Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, and other special days). These take place in the patients' lounge where patients can attend in wheelchairs if necessary. The local Catholic clergy provide this service. Music, song, readers and other requirements for worship are arranged by the Auxiliary. Holy Communion is distributed to Roman Catholic patients once a week to those who desire it. Two volunteers visit the Roman Catholic patients the day previous to inform them of details and to prepare a list for the visiting clergy. Local parish ministers are welcome to visit at the request of patients.